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Looking for Sales Assistant. CNE Direct, Inc. --- We are a successful, fast-growing American distribution company, focused on buying selling Computer Components. Our company is headquartered in USA, with sales offices in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Korea, and India. We are looking for motivated young people to join our Taipei office. We provide international business training. Past experience a basic understanding of computers is helpful, but not required. A successful Sales Assistant will eventually be promoted to Sales or Purchasing. An ideal candidate will exhibit a strong hunger for success, and will also show a history of leadership in work, school, or extra-curricular activities. Mandarin Chinese + English reading/writing/speaking is mandatory.
做創意有限公司是由不同領域的人才所組成的團隊。 從圖像設計、動態影像、網路互動、電子商務、網路行銷、藝術創作各領域的整合都是我們擅長的項目。 我們的目的在於創造更多好玩的事物,讓世界變得更有趣。 dosomething studio is a collaborative group consists of different talents. focuses on integrating art with other areas which includes graphic design, motion graphic, online interaction, e-commerce and e-marketing. We are aiming at creating more art and fun that make the world a more interesting place
中曰式定食快餐, we are now looking for a part time staff number for lunch service, average four hours per day, we have a friendly team of four, two in the kitchen, two in front of house, looking for a young and friendly female new number to join this wonderful team at the front house, if you think you are a bright and out going person, feel free to contact us.
The company was founded by 3 young entrepreneurs in 2005. With the new strategy crafted in mid 2011, we are actively seeking graduates to join our team. You MUST work smart and play hard. A Successful applicant must have a strong desire to explore the untouched blue ocean market. Experiences are not required since we can train the right people at 3X of normal speed. Our core values are: effectiveness, elegance, being creative﹐ open minded and fearless to any larger competitors! 公司文化﹕樂活第一﹐賺錢第二﹐虛假的表面功夫第100。
KHCO, established in year 2004, a professional commercial agent and trading company with a simple idea of the 5R, “right markets, right products, right channels, right customers, and therefore, the right business”. Although our company is relatively young, we have very dedicated and experienced employees and partners who have very solid years of experience in this industry; and here we are, working together, creating pleasant business environment for our partners and customers. KHCO is powered by innovation that based on solid business principles of outstanding customer service, sincere partner relationship, flexible supply- chain for retailers and unbeatable value for customers.
公司設於桃園 經營理念:模法雲端至今已有為數不少知名度頗高的客戶群,巨擘完美的設計理念及忠誠的服務態度,均受到客戶長期以來的青睞與肯定,我們會持之以恆不斷的設計出獨樹一格的好作品呈獻給我們的客戶。 Who we are ? (我們是誰?) 我們是一群熱愛挑戰的執行家,對於每一位客戶、每一件案子,我們以最高標準去達成目標。就如同我們的標語「沒有什麼是不可能,只在於你願不願去做。」(to be or not to be)我們所擁有的專業與技術,是我們與客戶進步的最大動力。我們期望在每一位客戶建立長久的合作關係,希望能和客戶一起成長並永續經營,創造雙贏互惠的目標。 What we done ?(我們做過什麼?) 參與大品牌行銷企劃: 於98年與激點motel合作 於98年與老賊壽司合作 於99年與威尼斯影城合作 於100年與維大力飲料合作 於100年於福太婦幼醫院合作 ……等,眾多案例不加贅述。 ◇短程目標 以服務桃園在地的企業為目標,替中小企業與各大傳統行業帶來最不一樣的行銷手法與形象包裝。為傳統帶來不一樣的新風貌,讓中小企業有如巨人般的網路行銷力量。成為在地服務最好,口碑最好的網路行銷公司。 ◇中程目標 擴大行銷通路與資源,構築在行銷企劃的核心能力上,透過異業結盟的方式把我們的行銷效應發揮到最極致,建立起獨一無二、不可取代性的行銷品牌。「模法雲端」將會是網路行銷的代名詞。 ◇長程目標 「模法玩出新想法,To be or not to be」這是我們的核心,也是我們的信念。沒有什麼是不可能,只在於你願不願去做。我們會發掘新的思維與創意,與中小企業一同成長為巨人,用巨人的高度來看世界,把台灣的企業形象行銷於全世界。 創意 是我們樂在其中的元素。 品牌 是我們最高執行標準。 滿意 是我們堅持努力的結果。 我們不做很多的口頭承諾,但我們能做到你想要做的事。
we are an internet startup. we have a young but solid team from different field. do send in a cv of yours, if you like to challenge yourself.
The mission of BEST ENGLISH is to help every child reach his or her potential by fostering academic growth, personal growth, and tolerance. BEST ENGLISH is a certified language school, located in the center of Taoyuan City. We offer a stimulating learning environment to all students. Our classrooms are print rich and use rubrics to ensure clear expectations for all students. Our English Language Development support the linguistic needs of our students. All of our classrooms are equipped with computers and the latest software to ensure that our students are prepared for the future. BEST ENGLISH staff believes that its primary purpose is to educate each student to the highest possible level of academic achievement by providing an appropriate curriculum in a safe, healthy environment. We are committed to helping students learn fun and develop English oral skills. We believe in creating an environment that encourages learning and social growth through character building and high expectations.
迪伸電子股份有限公司於2000年1月成立,主要產品為雷射二極體、雷射模組、發光二極體、TACT SWITCH等光電產品。迪伸電子深知發光元件是光電產業中相當重要的元件,積極開發發光元件各種應用,並且持續擴充產能及改善製程,以因應客戶對產品在量與質上日益嚴格的要求。迪伸電子亦積極引進全自動化封裝設備,希望能使產量及產品品質方面更趨穩定。我們堅信唯有掌握市場動向,以不斷創新的研究發展為根基,發展出多元化的產品策略,才能讓迪伸在不斷變動的產業中,屹立不搖,穩固迪伸在光電產業的領先地位。 品質是產品的命脈,為了讓迪伸成為高品質的代名詞,我們堅持以誠信的原則,嚴格的自我要求,以確保客戶的需求,對於品質的提昇,迪伸 - 絕不妥協,而通過 TUV產品等國際品質的認證,就是迪伸對客戶的品質保證。不以過往的成績自我滿意,不斷的創新與服務才是我們的目的。 LECC Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in Jan 2000. A leading manufacturer of Laser Diode and Laser module products. LECC enjoyed a rapid growth and shortly expanded its product line. While the quality of our products and services receive extremely high respect form our customers. We never slow down to improve. With the spirit of management philosophy-high quality products, satisfactory services, and customers satisfaction – Lecc in pursuit of excellent performance all the time. With the awareness of the urgency and importance of developing new products, Lecc dynamic RD and well-managed system are able to serve your needs rapidly. We are expecting to continue our RD for the most updated products and the best offers for your requirements. If you need above mentioned products, Please mail to us.
Mycom International is a group of companies formed by Telecommunication Experts with a wide range of industrial experience. We are a young and dynamic company and have already established a reputation of steady growth. With a view to globalisation, Mycom International created regional companies. This enables its international experience to be accessed globally by merging with local cultures and contacts, resulting in cost effective and flexible engineering services for our customers, tailored to local need. The R&D center is a leader in cutting edge technology use, quickly propelling the companies’ products to the forefront of the Telecommunication industry. 英商邁崗科技股份有限公司是MYCOM全球企業除法國外,另一個在台灣成立的技術研發中心,位居通訊業界重要領導地位,除了提供高科技、高品質的有線及無線的通訊工程服務,以及通訊業界所需要的新世代知識管理軟體系列產品外,並且提供具有國際頂尖技術經驗的資深工程師。 MYCOM集團之分公司設立遍佈歐洲之英,法,伊朗,北美之美國,亞洲區之泰國以及中國大陸等採全球化之經營模式。
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